Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trailer ride!

Today was a very good experience! Hottie is still pretty dependant on another horse to give her the confidence to move around and today that confidence was VALCORE! Yes Valcore! (for those of you that don't know his story it's on my website )not only was it Hotties first horse show it was Valcores first encounter with the public also!

We started off putting Valcore in the trailer. He was great. He hasn't been loaded since we brought him home from BLM about 10 months ago. As we all know BLM doesn't lead them in they load them through the shutes so even though Valcore had been gentled before he was taken back there, for the wranglers safety they must treat every horse as if its wild.

Hottie was not so eager to get in but with the help of Caren and a prickly broom she got in. I guess we had better work on that again. We got there and there were lots of things to see and plenty to be scared of but neither horse was afraid!

Hottie was more nervous than Valcore but never acted on it and eventually just settled in to watch what was happening around her. I was very proud of Caren she went in and signed herself right up for the in hand trail and showed her horse! AWESOME! He was great for her and I was very proud of the progress they have made together. After the in hand class the wind started to pick up and wanting to end on a good note Caren was fine with the decision to call it a day! They loaded right up and home we went! What an awesome day. Next weekend we will be taking a trip somewhere else!

1 comment:

  1. Whoohoo! you beat us to the punch on trailering out! There is a local show this weekend I think we are going to go's a "Scary" arena with people galore..
