Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crappy video, cute mare!

This is Hottie in the arena today. This is the first time she has been out of the round pen at the trot. She is so cool! You can see her cute little shuffle jog. It is so smooth to sit! After the trail ride yesterday it all clicked for her and she is doing amazing! Forgive the terrible quality and random talking by my mom to Sydney! Grandma is baby sitting and videoing at the same time. I am going to have to figure out a different video source than Mom's blackberry. It sucks!


  1. cuuute! your going to give Ruger and me a run for our money in the "western pleasure" department! lol. I love the mustang gates...they are awesome!

  2. Hottie is looking good! I've yet to get a gaited mustang here and I'm jealous :>

  3. Hottie moves like my mustang Roxanne - she has the coolest running walk that the other horses have to trot to keep up with! Becky
