Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Can you say REGUMATE?

I decided to push my luck I guess yesterday and take Hottie to the roping in the evening. She was in season and showed everyone in view by stopping every 3 steps to squirt at anything that moved. They wrapped the cows and let one group out to go down to the other end. It was all over from there. She thought she should be able to run after them with no regard to what what I was telling her to do! So, I very carefully left that arena and went to the small one. She was acting like such a pig I didn't want her to think she could just behave like that and get put up. So we proceeded to walk 3 steps and stop all over the other arena, by this time I am just plain angry but not taking it out on her. I am just wanting her to concentrate on me and do what I say so I can end on a good note and put her up. NOT! About 80 circles and me kicking and kicking, she is going no where. I kick out of my stirrup by accident and all hell broke loose. You would have thought a mountain lion had attacked her. She bucked and squalled, I bailed off, and the attitude adjustment began. This is the first time I have implimented tough love on Hottie. She took it in stride and FINALLY was back to her normal self! I have the vet coming to do teeth today on my other horses so I am going to get her some Regumate because its about Norco time next month when this will come again! She is staying at the Roping Ranch and I am going to put her through "hell week" until the end of the month!

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