Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy again!

She is back! Everything I threw at her today she accepted and never ran off. When the tarp started falling off she stopped. I am so excited that she is using her brain again!
After caution tape, chaps and blue tarp we worked on sidepassing over to pick up the tarp!
She was pretty good. I carried it around for a bit and then threw it down and she walked on it.
We also worked on sidepassing over a pole. She has a little bit to learn there but tried very hard.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back to the ground driving.

I have been a bit worried and decided today to really get back to basics with Hottie. I saddled her tied. (thats a first) Because she has been know to dump my saddle for no reason. Then I decided I needed to get out the long lines and really enforce WHOA no matter what. WHOA DANG IT! I untied her after I put her saddle on and proceeded to add a curcingle to the equasion and like a flash she was gone! Bucking and Squalling all the way to the other end of the arena. I retrieved her and threw it all over her and got it hooked up. I added her bridle and then the long lines and like a flash she was gone! Bucking and squalling but UH OH, I said WHOA DANG IT and she leap into the air like a gazelle and reared and fought me and went to work. I hate that! I hate that her flight response is soooo violent! She was awesome though and after the long lining I got on and she rode great. Mission completed! Again tomorrow with a few more elements added for shock value and hopefully we can get her to stop overreacting!

Away for the weekend.

I was away in San Diego for my cousin's wedding in San Diego. Yesterday I moved Hottie back from the Roping Ranch she had a gelding next to her that thought he was a stallion so everytime I took her from the stall he would scream and holler. I couldn't get anything positive done there.

Hopefully she will settle down because we really need to get some good work done in 2 weeks. She has a bunch to learn before we compete. I hope we can get it done! THANK GOD IT IS ALL MARES IN NORCO! I am not sure how she will be with the foals though. Remember the mini incident!

Good thoughts everyone! Any advise on how to handle the stress of the deadline is welcome! Tracy, Michelle any thoughts?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Round pen

I have just been working Hottie in the round pen for a couple of days to get her to settle down waiting for her to go out of season. Regu-mate is on the way. The vet didn't have it on her truck so she is mailing it to me. I am thinking with continued training she will train out of the lack of concentration, I don't see her on it forever just don't want her coming in to season during Norco.

Sydney tripped in a gopher hole in the backyard yesterday and broke her foot. Poor baby has a tiny pink cast! It is amazing how well she gets around on it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Can you say REGUMATE?

I decided to push my luck I guess yesterday and take Hottie to the roping in the evening. She was in season and showed everyone in view by stopping every 3 steps to squirt at anything that moved. They wrapped the cows and let one group out to go down to the other end. It was all over from there. She thought she should be able to run after them with no regard to what what I was telling her to do! So, I very carefully left that arena and went to the small one. She was acting like such a pig I didn't want her to think she could just behave like that and get put up. So we proceeded to walk 3 steps and stop all over the other arena, by this time I am just plain angry but not taking it out on her. I am just wanting her to concentrate on me and do what I say so I can end on a good note and put her up. NOT! About 80 circles and me kicking and kicking, she is going no where. I kick out of my stirrup by accident and all hell broke loose. You would have thought a mountain lion had attacked her. She bucked and squalled, I bailed off, and the attitude adjustment began. This is the first time I have implimented tough love on Hottie. She took it in stride and FINALLY was back to her normal self! I have the vet coming to do teeth today on my other horses so I am going to get her some Regumate because its about Norco time next month when this will come again! She is staying at the Roping Ranch and I am going to put her through "hell week" until the end of the month!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Solo down the trail.

With our latest update from The Heritage Foundation regarding the competition it was made apparent that we will be working in the arena first then leaving the arena to go by ourselves down the trail in 5 minute intervals. So, I practiced today alone. Im really glad we will be in the bridle path because if we weren't I would be like a one man parade down the middle of the street! I am very proud of her though! She was great once we got into the bridle path area so not a problem for us.

I also added my spurs today because Stacie at BLM was laughing at my two mules for sister sarah routine and told me to get my spurs on, so I did. AWESOME! She moves off my leg and is super good and responsive with them! 2 birds with one stone today and did I mention it's really hot? 102 her in Chatsworth yesterday and today about the same. Is this APRIL or AUGUST?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

BLM adoption

Hottie and I went to the BLM adoption today! Caren came with Valcore also! We had a great time. I really enjoy Stacy and Art from the BLM Ridgecrest Facility, I like the others also just don't know their names (sorry) If anyone needs a yearling or burro there are some great prospects there! I really like a pony (yes a mustang pony how awesome it that) that they brought! Palomino with 2 blue eyes and a blaze! So cute! It was all I could do not to buy him! I wish I could give them all homes.

We saw the presentation of 3 palominos to the U.S. Marine Corp. Semper Fi! It was really cool!

Back to my sweet black mare. Of course she was a hit. People wanted to know where they could buy her and I told them in Norco but I have full intention of taking her home! They were really nice and said they wouldn't bid against me! SWEET! I led her in first to judge her temperment in the new place. Not a problem, she has a tendency to want to get in strangers laps though looking for some form of food. All was fine and we went back to the trailer and tacked up. Got on and showed off to the spectators what you can do with a wild horse in aprox. 65 days! We showed them her cute little gait. She was awesome. What I enjoyed most was the BLM employees coming to say hi to her, very proud to be part of what was going on with her, mustang people are a nice group to be associated with.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Off to find a steer!

Today Mom and I hauled Hottie to Gibson Ranch in Sunland, CA. This is a great roping ranch! I am leaving her there until Sunday when we are going to ride in a poker ride through Hanson Dam.

She loaded up all by herself! No prickly broom this time. So I knew it was going to be a great day. We got there and she unloaded like she had been there all her life. I put her in a stall and went to get some lunch. Came back, tacked her up, lunged her for a second and got on. We went into the big arena and she was very good. We got a steer out and she loved it! No one could believe she had just over 60 days training from the wild. She laid her ears back and just went after him. She looks kinda ugly with her ears like that but she was all business she is very cowy. I was pretty happy with her.

Tomorrow we are going to Los Angeles Equestrian Center to the adoption and they want Hottie to visit to show what can be done with the mustang. Which is really cool! I am excited to show off my shiny little black mare!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2 huge paints and a little black mustang!

My mother in law is visiting the grandkids from Arkansas this week so I have had a little more help with Sydney! I got to go out on a 2 hour trail ride. It has been a long time since I have been able to relax and not worry about getting back within an hour. So many thanks to Elaine!

Today Hottie and I rode out with our friend Karen Van Pelt she had two to work. We had a great time! We went up and down hill considerably better than we did the last time we went out. We trotted out and cantered a bit. It was too much fun! Slowing down going down hill needs work but with most babies down hill takes a bit of getting used to. I am very happy with her behavior she saw a shopping cart and walked right up and put her nose on it. Very cool! We did almost get attacked by a piece of flying cardboard because it was windy today. She took 2 steps that I thought could have turned into a bolt but came right back as soon as I asked! We went the whole length of the creek in the water as to avoid the quick sand that has arrived since the fire and rains. Im happy with my horse! Did I mention how good my little black mare was? AWESOME!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Very exciting!

I am so excited to say I have found a facility that will accomodate me to train Mustangs from! It is hard when you dont own your own facility to get someone to let you bring wild horses in. Especially when they have other boarders to be considerate of!

It is a semi large facility that has seperate levels. The level I am going to have has its own arena a roundish round pen and my own tack room! It has 8 stalls and is seperate from the rest of the boarding facility so I won't bother anyone and they wont bother me! I am so excited to start bringing in more horses for the Trainer Incentive Program. I am making a run to Ridgecrest soon and if you are interested in coming to see and possibly pick out a prospect let me know!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Finally a competent photographer!

HOW CUTE IS MY MARE! I don't quite fit in the saddle backwards. I quess its diet time. Today was our first day with the bridge that my dad built. She was awesome. Mom got to see all my neat tricks! Now all I need is some guns and balloons and I am set! After all of our fun riding today she got her first soapy bath which she enjoyed! She like the smells of the soap and curled her lip at them.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Excellent adventure!

We hauled to Santa Barbara, Ca. to Rancho Oso Guest Ranch and Stables. It is amazing there. No cell phones, no computers, just family, friends wildlife and horses! What could be better? Our trip was cut short due to a family tragedy. My great grandmother passed away and her services were last night and today. So we were only there overnight, it was still great.

Hottie settled right into the stall like she had been there all her life. We got there late in the afternoon so I just fed and went to our cabin to play with the kids. Friday morning I made an attempt at tacking up outside of her stall. She dumped my saddle in the dirt twice (I HATE WHEN SHE DOES THAT), she hadn't done it in a few weeks so I figured it was over with. She sometimes can be a pill about the saddle. She is smart enough to know how to just dump it and stand there like nothing happened. Her goal was to graze on the grass there and not wear a saddle at all! NOT. So, I tied her to the hitching rail there which I was reluctant to do because of her confinement issues. SHE DID NOT PULL BACK! This to me was great because I was really leary of her tying outside of the backyard. I got the saddle up on her and much to her dismay we started to walk away from Dixie and out towards the round pen. There were no mule stopping moments at all which is another weight off my shoulders! She got into the round pen that was quite a bit away and went to work just like we were at home! I was so happy with her. We went into the large arena and saw some beautiful baby sheep outside the arena. She went all around the arena no issues. We weaved some poles they had set up and called it a day! I was very happy with her confidence with me away from the security of home! Actually she was better than she is at home! Amber was my photographer and she was no where to be found while I was riding but we have pictures of the ground, turkeys, flowers, and herself! Leave it to an 8 year old!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Steady progress

Today was a good day. We worked on holding the arc of the circle without the help of a rail. She tends to want to carry her head cocked to the right. I really worked hard today to have her equally bent each direction. She needs help lifting the left shoulder and she is learining to be respective of my legs as her guide for the circle. She did great no leaking out of the circle. I tried to go without the crop today. NOT A CHANCE. She hasn't gotten to the point where she is ready to get out there and willingly go forward. I am totally not used to such reluctance. Oh well I guess its better than her running off. So, I stood up in the saddle today, sat behind the saddle and slid of her rear end. She didn't move a muscle. So here we go with the trickery.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What an awesome day.....

I set up a trail course in the arena today. We weaved cones, jumped a jump, walked on a blue tarp with a piece of white lattice on it with the wind blowing the corners up! Thats when I got nervy and decided to figure out what gimmick I can come up with if I make the Top Ten Finals. Lets just say come harvest time, I am ready! (apples, oranges, avocados, apricots, bring it on) If we need to rope got that covered too! I can swing over her head no problem, both sides no problem! I think if I were at all talented as a trick roper she would stand there with the big loop going round and round! She also learned how to stop with my feet and travel in a straight line. Good times!

Starting to push....

Syd loves to sit up there! She always yells HAT, HAT, RIDE! Hottie lets her sit there as long as she wants and doesn't move a muscle. Sydney has been Hotties favorite person from DAY 1 at the BLM when we picked her up. Thats her baby!

I am starting to push Hottie a little more. She is doing great and handled it well! Yesterday was the first time she was actually winded from working hard. I am really happy to know she can handle being pushed beyond her comfort zone and takes it in stride.

It is spring break here and my daughter starts being off of school this Thursday so we have planned a trip with the horses to Rancho Oso Guest Ranch in Santa Barbara, CA. It's an awesome place with cabins to stay in. Cattle to rent, miles and miles of trails with an awesome creek (real creek). Hottie is going! She will be exposed to cattle, turkeys, sheep and the huge creek you can swim your horses in! It should be fun and hopefully, I will get good pictures!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trailer ride!

Today was a very good experience! Hottie is still pretty dependant on another horse to give her the confidence to move around and today that confidence was VALCORE! Yes Valcore! (for those of you that don't know his story it's on my website )not only was it Hotties first horse show it was Valcores first encounter with the public also!

We started off putting Valcore in the trailer. He was great. He hasn't been loaded since we brought him home from BLM about 10 months ago. As we all know BLM doesn't lead them in they load them through the shutes so even though Valcore had been gentled before he was taken back there, for the wranglers safety they must treat every horse as if its wild.

Hottie was not so eager to get in but with the help of Caren and a prickly broom she got in. I guess we had better work on that again. We got there and there were lots of things to see and plenty to be scared of but neither horse was afraid!

Hottie was more nervous than Valcore but never acted on it and eventually just settled in to watch what was happening around her. I was very proud of Caren she went in and signed herself right up for the in hand trail and showed her horse! AWESOME! He was great for her and I was very proud of the progress they have made together. After the in hand class the wind started to pick up and wanting to end on a good note Caren was fine with the decision to call it a day! They loaded right up and home we went! What an awesome day. Next weekend we will be taking a trip somewhere else!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Arena today!

Today we rode with Caren and Valcore in the arena. I am so impressed with the progress Caren has made with Valcore! Hottie (mustang horse not me) was very good. It was the first time we rode with another horse in the arena and the second time we rode in the arena, not the round pen. We worked on following our nose, circling with outside leg pressure, continuous forward movement and not trying to get to Valcore for security! We walked and trotted! No problems, she still requires a lot of encouragement to keep going and of course like all green horses she leaks to the outside, but not for long! She could be a candidate at some point for spurs, not sure yet. I feel like two mules for sister sarah with my crop wacking her every three steps! Im a spur girl, not a crop/whip girl. I dont abuse my spurs I have a quiet leg and use them as an aid, not torture devices. (For the anti-spur society not interesed in hearing about your feelings, so save it please) Pictured is my National Top Ten Champion Western Pleasure Horse, Kenos Braveheart - We are at the Region One Championships in the photo where we were Champion on all 3 judges cards! I had to buy new spurs at that show because someone stole my silver engraved show spurs the day before my class. They became my lucky spurs after we won and I had them tattooed on my back so I would always have them for good luck. I carry them in my purse with me, thats how much I like my spurs!

Friday, April 3, 2009

40 Days left!

I am feeling pretty good about where I am with 40 days left. I sit and study You Tube and watch the Top Ten Final Performances from past Makeovers. I have never been the kind of person that runs mach 10 around the arena while cracking a bull whip, bareback and jumping through fire hoops. Even good reiners have control of their speed and are framed up in the big fast! I am more of a finesse, collection, frame, transitions, etc. type of trainer. It is easy to run fast it's hard to collect up and lope! I am hoping that in the end tricks and glitz dont overshadow traditional training. I haven't ever had to load a horse into the bed of my truck and hope I never have to! I don't want to offend anyone but I think in the end what we want are useful marketable horses, there is not much call for changing a lightbulb while standing on your saddle aboard your horse. Although it could be good for harvesting apples and oranges? Do I really have to come up with a gimmick? (CRAP) It goes against everything I stand for!
Anyway about today! I hooked on to my friend Karen and her client Ashley as she went down the street to work horses she has in training. I want to thank Total Equestrian Experience for allowing us to come in and visit! They offer a great lesson program here in Chatsworth for all level of riders and can be found at . I also got to see an old friend from the Arab shows. She owns the facility that the program works out of! It was great to see her and talk with her! She is now a realtor in the area so for all of your Real Estate needs call Courtney Surfas in Chatsworth!
Hottie was great all the way there and even passed through a covered carport with many scary things under it. I got off of Hottie and all was well. Hottie was grazing on the lawn while I was watching Ashley long line her gigantic PMU horse when all hell broke loose behind me. (thats where Hottie had been grazing) She got spooked and ran bucking and squalling through the yard to where the yellow wagon was (if you look carefully you can see a hint of yellow in the picture) and then stopped. She didn't hurt anything or run into anything or anyone. I went and got her and we went back to standing on the rail observing! She was perfect for the 2 hours we stood there watching horses get worked!

The trip back was uneventful. As you can see I am again in the middle of the street while the broke horses are by the curb!

The Equestrian News

I wanted to thank Jim and Lani Muche for writing such a nice article about Hottie and I. I also want to thank Nancy Cole at The Equestrian News for making Mustangs a important part of their paper! We can use all of the publicity we can get! Jim made sure to include my sponsors that make this possible for me to do! Without them, I would not be able to afford to compete in this event!

I want to thank my sponsors again! Caren Bramhall who allows me to keep Hottie at her facility, Michelle at Damoor's Feed and Tack in Burbank, CA who supplies all of Hottie's food, suppliments and anything else I need! Karen Monroe at Wells Fargo Equine Insurance Division who has insured Hottie, and Virginia at Great American Insurance for taking the risk of insuring a wild horse! I hope they will be with me again if I am able to compete in any future events! This is for sure a team and if you want to join the team go to and join TEAM HOTTIE!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crappy video, cute mare!

This is Hottie in the arena today. This is the first time she has been out of the round pen at the trot. She is so cool! You can see her cute little shuffle jog. It is so smooth to sit! After the trail ride yesterday it all clicked for her and she is doing amazing! Forgive the terrible quality and random talking by my mom to Sydney! Grandma is baby sitting and videoing at the same time. I am going to have to figure out a different video source than Mom's blackberry. It sucks!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The famous "yuppie trail" we were awesome! Mom is riding Dixie and I am comfortable enough to be taking pictures!

This is the Ronald Reagan Freeway we have to go under it to get to the trail! We again were AWESOME!

They call this a park because it has 2 little informational building thingies.
We came across 3 groups of people. NOTHING rattled Hottie I am so proud of her. We even came across another horse of the opposite direction on the yuppie trail that had a man riding with a big hat and she passed like she had been doing it forever.

This is our famous "hands free bridge" it has NO railing and you see how far down the drop is. NO PROBLEM!

Our "creek" my husband is from Arkansas and has assured me this is NO CREEK but it is all we have! Again NOT A PROBLEM! I think Hottie wanted to roll in it but that wasn't an option so we moved on.
I am very much looking forward to Sunday and the little show I think she is going to handle everything very well!