Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wind died down!

Lucky for me the wind died down this afternoon! So, I worked on using the whole arena to lunge Hottie. She had in the past at the canter pulled loose when I had the saddle on her. We have been working in the round pen for about 2 weeks, so I decided to test the arena today! BREAKTHROUGH!!!! Perfect at the walk and trot. When I asked for the canter she ran off as usual but didn't get loose and almost looked like she was thinking why did I do that? Then she proceeded to NOT run off and canter!!!!! For those of you following her progress she also has NO problem with the white ropes anymore! So with that I got on her in the large arena and worked on turning and backing (because thats all she would do) just making her feel comfortable out there with me on her and she was awesome! I am so excited! (hence all of the exclamation points)


  1. I need to play catch up with your progress...been too busy getting my own guy to the Oregon Makeover (but it's done now, yeah!)

    I'm hearing a lot of the Norco mares have been dropping foals! Sounds like you've at least escaped that little pitfall.

    Keep up with the exclamation points!!

  2. Good for you Kristi! You and Jenn are really starting to make great progress - I'm proud and jealous of you both :)
