Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beautiful sun shiny day!

Thankfully we have overcome some of her fears and are making good progress now. Hottie did great today no one watching on the rail for me today, mom likes to be there just in case I come off and she needs to call 911 or rush me off somewhere!

I am really happy with the progress she is making. I forget sometimes about the little things she is doing that you just take for granted. She saw the clippers today and they got to touch her nose! She was in the barn isle, which isnt like a real barn isle, its more like a L shaped barn with a covered patio type situation out front. There is no turning around in it, she has to walk in and either walk straight out or back out, the roof is low and the floor is concrete. So, when I say she was in the barn isle she is IN and if she gets scared of something its going to be a problem! She doesn't live in the barn with the barn isle either so she isn't used to the noises there. Luckily she has only backed out once on her own accord and it was very carefully.

She long lined really well today and is learning to not overreact when she is scared. I haven't seen the "checked out blind run" in a few weeks, so thats cool. Knock wood she has not overreacted with me on her back but she has done it in the lines and with the saddle. She now looks to me for how she should handle situations. Which is great! She is still a little stubborn but she certainly is making great progress. She is getting her first trim this week. I will post pictures when I have someone to take them for me!

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