Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lovin the cute black mare....

I have the cutest black gaited mustang mare! Yesterday I didn't write about her because she was behaving like a "donkey butt" (sydney says that) I was riding her in the round pen and she would walk 3 steps and stop, walk 3 steps and stop, walk 3 steps and stop. She decided her shadow with me on her is something she won't walk across! DUH... I kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked. I never got too mad but was really frustrated so I took her in the big ring out of the round pen and she walked 4 steps and stopped walked 4 steps and stopped. So I put her up.

Today we didn't go anywhere near the round pen. We just rode in the arena. I took a little bat with a hand shaped noise maker on the end for some extra encouragement and she went around! She was awesome today. She has the smoothest little jog I have ever sat. She is for sure gaited. She is going to look so fancy with all that black forelock and mane. I can totally see that hooky neck with the mecate and bosal! She is going to be a awesome little western pleasure mare down the road!


  1. Oh, you can't just leave it like that. We want photos! And VIDEO!

  2. I brought my mom today to take pictures and all I got was a picture of the sky and some trees! Nice one mom! Im trying!
