Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rain Rain GO AWAY! Day 19

Not much that could be done today. I used to like the rain but now that I have a deadline, I need all of the good weather I can get! I came to clean the stall and try to direct the rain out so she doesn't have standing water. She was happy to see me! She followed me around sniffing my hair just being a busy bee. I decided to take her out and groom her since she seemed like she wanted to do something besides stand there. So she got her feet picked out for the first time! I had just been lifting the feet for a couple of days. She has gotten past defending her legs from harm which means we are breaking through some of her wild instinct. She still has the flight instinct sometimes but at least we have trust with the legs now. She also got all of her beautiful hair combed out and a good curry because she is shedding out! She is going to be so sleek and black when she is done.

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