Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back to the website for me!

I started this blog for my Extreme Mustang Makeover experience with Sheeza Hottie. It is complete now so I will venture back to the world of website maintance!

You can see my future adventures at

Thank you all for you support and following my accomplishments with her. It was an awesome ride!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The NORCONIANS are mad! Here is the truth as I know it.

I was asked to not speak about this situation but it is getting out of control!

I don't know who is at fault, BLM, Mustang Heritage Foundation, or Buzz Riebschlager and it is not my place to say. All I know is "my story" and it began 06/12/08.

My friend Caren, Mom, Amber, Sydney, and I went to BLM in Ridgecrest. It was a day to say the least! We were going to pick up the infamous Valcore (see his story on my website) and 0377, go get her if she is still there, a little sorrel mare with a huge white blaze and 4 socks, extremely friendly. In the big pen of 250 horses she came right to the fence to see us. My daughter Amber picked her out and I was going to challenge myself to see if I could apply to do the Extreme Mustang Makeover after I had seen it in Sacramento! Note that the date was just after last years event! I was very excited to challenge myself to see what I could get done in 90 days. Mom had other ideas, she saw a beautiful black bay mare she had to have! So Amber doesn't get 0377 and grandma comes home with Jewel. A 2 year old! What am I going to do with a 2 year old? I can't ride it yet! So I do ground work and there goes my 90 day challenge.

I got her to like humans, being groomed, picking her feet, lunging, and wearing a saddle and bridle. She loved my kids! What else is there to do with a 2 year old except repitition so there we were. Then my parents decide to get a divorce and have to sell the property where all of our horses are housed. At $350.00 a head to board we had to cut way down. We gave 3 to good homes, sold 1 and knew we could give Jewel back to BLM and they would take care of her no questions asked. Since she was just 2, she could sit for a little while until things got better for us and we could go back for her if she hadn't been adopted. She had rubbed out a fair portion of her mane so, I roached it. I figured if someone knowledgeable came in they would see she had been somewhere already and give her a chance. I also while crying told the BLM employees that she was an awesome horse that had all of her groundwork done and if someone came in to tell them about Jewel. I really wanted her to have a chance to get out of the pens at the BLM. That was October 08.

Move on to The Norco Extreme Mustang Trail Challenge May 15 - 17, 2009! I had a great time! So many wonderful people for a wonderful cause. The horses are amazing! The concept is unchallenged and it is run extremely professionally. I really like the people of the Foundation that I have met. I brought Hottie of course! She is my black beauty! The first day we did fair. Not great but fair. My scores were fine I was not there to win, I was there to have a great experience with my horse and stay on while doing it. She had dumped me hard 2 weeks prior at the same huge rock where we had to start the rural challenge. With that challenge behind me it was cake from there on!

Standing on the rail after competition on Friday I noticed something very familiar! A bay horse in the arena that moved like a donkey! Just like Jewel! I was so excited! I ran to BLM to see could this be my horse? Could she have really gotten a chance out of the pens at the BLM? I was so excited it was her but now her name was Windy! Little did I know how much strife, distention and anger this would cause many people. Many things would go tremendously wrong with my realization. I am very naive about people and things. I amaze myself sometimes, I really want people to be good so I go with that! Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't!

I cried when I realized, I had said it on the rail outloud in front of fellow competitors and that it could be something not everyone should know. I went directly to Buzz while crying. I told him I think I have done something wrong. This was my horse and I trained it and I said it in front of other people. I was crying because I didn't want to ruin his experience and his work with her. SHE WAS IN 3RD PLACE! I was so happy for Jewel. Then other people started telling me he had to have known when he got her she had been worked with. He asked me had I told Patti and Randi? I told him I had not I had only told a worker at BLM. I told him I would keep it quiet and ask my mom not to talk about it to anyone while the competition was going on. I did I kept quiet until after the auction. Little did I realize, he was going to win! Wow, now there is even more pressure I had trouble sleeping. After the auction I told Randi about it while I was paying for Hottie. She had no clue and asked me to send her all information pertaining to us having Jewel. I did and they verified it was for sure her. It is not my place to say there was conspiracy I have no clue if anyone conspired with anyone. I will say the Heritage Foundation was nothing but professional with me and have never been anything but nice to me and my mom regarding this situation. Remember this is for the horse! I was proud of Jewel and so happy to see her out of the pens! If this was her vessel for a happy home so be it! She has a life now and a legacy! She has a event to show up to next year and the following, which means she will be trained for 2 more years not standing around in the hot desert sun waiting for a home.

I don't want the event to be harmed from gossip and I certainly don't want anyones career to be effected! The horse had some work but that does not take away from the fact BUZZ DID TRAIN HER TO DO THE THINGS SHE DID AT THE COMPETITION! The playing field was not level, no. Other people had rank horses for sure! Im sure Hottie was not as rank as some of the other horses in the competition (gidget) but that doesn't take away from what I did with her. I hope this helps to curb some of the gossip and ill feelings regarding the situation. I DID NOT RETURN HER BECAUSE SHE WAS BAD OR I COULDN'T HANDLE HER! The horses still need homes and we have the talent to make them marketable to the public, lets use our talents for the good of the horse and hope we all learn from our experiences! We all make our own decisions in life, lets make good honorable decisions from here on out!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anyone for the Wild Horse and Burro Expo in Reno?

I have decided that the Mustang Makeovers are not for me, I had decided that the politics of showing in my area (Arabians) had gotten too bad, I decided to try the makeovers thinking it was a level playing field with everyone on the same level. That proved not to be true so I have decided to go in a new direction with the wild horse. I am going to take Hottie up to the Expo in Reno and see what Wild Horse Shows are all about! My goal is to put together a small show circuit of 6 shows that will be for Mustangs only and they will offer day end high points and year end high point prizes. I happen to come from a promotional background so I have the experience to put it together I just need to do a bit of research first! The class list for Reno is available and looks fun!

Who would like to join us in Reno? I would love to meet some of the other Mustang owners there and have a great time with our great animals!

I am still going to take part in the Trainer Incentive Program, I do think it is a excellent program that will give the horse an advantage to being adopted!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A trip planned to Ridgecrest!

I met a very nice man in Burbank at the BLM Adoption who really wanted to buy Hottie at the auction this past weekend but kept his word that he would not bid against me (thank goodness finally a person who keeps his word) I am going to pick up a Trainer Incentive Fund horse in Ridgecrest for him on June 16th, I have room for one more to come back if there is anyone out there that is interested in having a mustang trained and the Mustang Heritage Foundation paying for the first month.

Let me know!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hottie picutres from the EMM

A special thanks to Jim and Lani Muche for not only their pictures and event coverage but their awesome support of Hottie and I!
Trot poles

Pick up feet

Load? Hottie only loads in private, absolutley no public loading!

Pivot turn both directions in the box

Off to the trail!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not top ten but one of the high sellers?

What a day.
First I want to start off by saying I had a great time! What an experience. I am not sure I can handle that again, emotionally speaking!

I was a complete wreck today at the auction. Like it said in our rules and regulations I showed my horse to her best at the auction by riding her in. Not everyone who wanted to keep their horse did that. I started out crying telling them I wanted to please keep her and be kind by letting her come home with me and my kids. The gentleman in the red shirt was not kind and when the bidding got up to $2000.00 I was hysterical but still showing my horse to the best of my hysterical ability. I could not afford $2000.00 let alone for it to go much higher. People in the stands were bringing down cash and handing it to me. Many people were crying right along with me. I was not even in the top ten but for some reason he thought she was worth more than most of the top ten horses. The Champion went for $3600.00! HELLO MR. RED SHIRT? When the bidding got to $2300.00 Patti Colbert (executive director of the Mustang Heritage Foundation) decided that was enough I guess and had someone outbid the guy and closed the sale, I had stopped bidding and was sobbing literally! I think he was not going to stop until he got her. I heard her say sold for $2400.00 and going home with her trainer! Somehow, I bought my horse for $2400.00! Whatever happened I dont care. We brought Hottie home and I am happy to have her. I think I need to borrow some money and I sure hope they dont put that check in tomorrow!

What a great weekend! Thanks to everyone for their support!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Having a blast!

Those are all mustang butts! 2 Challenge horses and Roxanne (Becky's 15 year old mustang mare)
Rodeo Burger tie up! I hooked my reins on my
noseband. Of course being Hottie she pulled back and broke the noseband but it was fun anyway!

We are having such fun! Yesterday we went riding all over Norco! I tagged along with Jennifer White, Mary and Jenn's mom Becky. They showed me all around the town of Norco. We even stopped for a drink at Rodeo Burger. This town has pens and tie up areas everywhere so you can do your shopping while riding. They showed me the beautiful river also!

Today was our first day of competition. I didn't do great but am happy with what we did. Hottie didn't get in the trailer. Im sure she could sense my doubt of if she would do it so just took advantage of that. Then remember a couple weeks ago when I trailered out her and got dumped by the huge rock? Of course thats where our rural challenge started! Woo hoo so it was almost a goat rodeo but disaster avoided and away we went! I am so proud of her she did awesome. The judges scored me low but who cares? Thats their opinion and I am stoked about the fact that she was AWESOME! We saw a huge black lizard soaking up the sun on a rock and a non venomous snake of some sort. I had a wonderful time and my mare has an enormous heart. She was not really in the shape to do some of the hills we did. She just went. I realize I really needed more than an hour a day with her but what can you do with a 2 year old to care for? You make due and thats what we did!

By the way Lanny Leach has an awesome horse named Soso that is currently 1st! I am very happy to say Jennifer is currently 9th WOO HOO and if Mary was allowed to be scored she would sit 10th. Way to go my friends! You kick ass!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One day left....

I was going through all of the pictures yesterday that we have taken in the 90 days I have had Hottie. What a great experience this has been, I laughed, cried and laughed some more. I really want to thank my sponsors again! Damoors Feed and Tack in Burbank, CA., just down the street from the Los Angeles Equestrian Center, please go pay them a visit if your near by! Caren Bramhall for believing in me and making it possible for me to actually achieve a goal that I had set last year when my mom and I attended the Extreme Mustang Makeover at the Western States Expo in Sacramento (coming again in June). I had no way of making it come true without the generous use of her facility and housing of Hottie for the 3 months she has been with us! Karen Monroe at Wells Fargo Equine Insurance for believing in my ability and putting her name behind it! Virginia at Great Western Insurance for taking on the risk of a wild horse (no claims to date)! Then of course my family for being patient with me and babysitting when I needed it!

I am happy to say that I have many people who love me and are going to try to make sure Hottie comes home Sunday! From as near as sitting on the couch next to me, to as far as my amazing family in Arkansas (love you all), Hottie and I have reached many people through this experience and I appreciate their support! I am excited to say the only thing I am worried about now is doing our best and showing people what AWESOME HORSES MUSTANGS REALLY ARE AND THE AMAZING THINGS THEY CAN DO FROM WILD TO 90 DAYS! Lets hope we make it to the finals!

Again, I will be updating throughout the event at feel free to add yourself if you are interested in what is going on this weekend!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

We are happily progressing!

I am very excited to say that I have been cantering on the correct lead quietly and willingly both directions. The gait is not as pronounced but that is ok she is taking everything in stride and doing very well. I have been practicing trail obstacles for the horse course and trying to figure out what to do if I am lucky enough to make the finals. I found the press kit for our competition online and it says there are 27 horses coming out of the 36 that originally started and that 5 of them have foals at their side. From what I understand those 5 will be competing seperately from us. For those of you attending they will be auctioning the mare and foals as a package and will be having a "Baby Shower" for them and "Mommy and Me" classes!

That leaves 22 competing in my category so almost half will be in the finals. I realized I needed to come up with something! My little gaited mare is not going to be doing any reining patterns but I will think of something cool! Mixing the music is challenging I am not in any way technically inclined. Hopefully I figure it out! I really love this horse and as the days grow nearer to our competition the auction is very scary. I really hate the idea that I may lose my horse due to lack of funds. I hope there is a fairy godperson out there somewhere or a good deed I have done will come around and help me out here! I really want to take her to Reno to show her at the big mustang show there! God willing........ Hey Jenn and Mary wanna go?

Friday, May 8, 2009


For those of you that have been following but will not make it out to Norco. I will be tweeting about what is going on during the event. I know I appreciated any blog updates and twitter updates when I was following the Oregon and Gatorland EMMs!

You can follow at also Extreme Mustang Makeover uses Twitter during the competition I will have my computer with me there so I will blog about everything going on!

It is going to be a very fun event! I am so excited to meet everyone and see the mustangs! If you are coming please introduce yourself and please don't bid against me for my horse! I really want to bring her back home with me but have limited funds after Sydneys broken foot!

It all clicked!

Today was an awesome trail ride. I decided to change saddles the other day and put my moms Tucker saddle on Hottie. Wow, what a difference that saddle makes! It is one of the most comfortable saddles I have ever ridden in. It doesn't move on my horse at all. It sits me about 4 inches more forward than my roping saddle. I had such a great ride today we started on the bridle path went up under the freeway overpass, across the hands free bridge, up the fire road took a steep little goat path with a bunch of rocks back down and she was awesome! She has learned to tuck her butt down hill with me on her. I was worried about that! We then went down the middle of our stream back around to the freeway again and home. Nothing bothered her she was amazing and she actually had a great time too! We gaited all over and even cantered 6 strides. That was the first ride where she actually didn't fight me at all about anything! I am so proud of her! I really needed that ride, I was starting to doubt if we are ready or not, I am confident we will do fine! (that doesn't mean win, just means middle of the pack) I am extremely superstitious about jinxing myself!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A very fun day!

We went out to Ingalls Arena in Norco yesterday. Jim and Lani Muche came out to take some follow up pictures for their article in The Equestrian News. As always it was wonderful to see them and the great photos are attached!

I got to finally ride with Jennifer White and her mare Ruger and Mary and Striker, I am amazed at what Mary has done with Striker. Those horses are awesome! I was able to also meet Madelyn Wagner and her mare. That is a very athletic horse! She has done a bunch of good work on her mare! She can move diagonal across the arena at a floating trot like a dressage horse. Very responsive mare!

Hottie was there just gaiting around and wasn't thrilled about the bucking shutes but otherwise she was Hottie, trot, trot, trot, stop, beat, beat, beat! I really am torn between making her canter or just developing her gait. I know people who ride gaited horses want the horse for the gait. Well see what happens!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Finally we canter.

My baby girl Sydney! She loves her Hottie girl! No more cast!

I am so lucky to have good friends! I was able to use Sue's arena today which is bigger than Caren's and finally was able to get my little black gaiting mustang to canter! Woo hoo. I also had another bucking disaster on Sunday so I have changed into a short shanked snaffle bit for a little more leverage if it ever happens again I will be able to pull her head up. We actually had a nice ride on Sunday at Ingalls Arena until the bucking incident! I will say that the incline they told us we are going to have to ride up is a friggen rocky hill. I was a little discouraged after the bucking incident but am good now. I have put it all in perspective in my head and realize that any other horse I would be training at this point I would not be pressing this hard and this little mare trys her heart out to learn what I want from her. She had caution tape all over her today and tin cans tied all over her also. Around her neck is just a remnant to remind her to behave or for people to stay away!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good times!

Decided to take Hottie out on the trail today by myself for the second time. We were much improved from the first time. It is pretty active today with gunsils running down the yuppie trail. So a few times I had to get off to prepare her for the oncoming ding dongs! She still thinks horses running at her means something really bad must be chasing them and we must go too! She is really doing well, I am very proud of her. It was cool and breezy. She was very brave! We for the first time met some squeaky mailboxes. I didnt dare open it while mounted alone! So I opened it from the ground and she still ended up jumping 5 ft away from it! It all ended up good though! She got used to the mail and the mailbox so hopefully next time will be easier!

I opened Sue's mailbox today! I want to thank her for the use of it and let you in on some EXCELLENT JEWELRY! Visit her website for awesome Poni Girl Jewelry!