Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hottie day 9

Ground driving in the real tack. Hottie has graduated out of the cruddy saddle to a nice one with a back cinch and a breast collar neither of which bothered her. She also wore her bridle today for the second time. Me obviously being really obnoxious about crawling on like a monkey! I did not get on carefully at all. I want her to know someone WILL drag their foot over her rump and some point in her life and it is OK! I dont have anyone hold my horse or restrict her in any way. I let her react and deal with what ever happens. You see the end result in my photos. She obviously didn't go anywhere when I got on because that dang mounting block is in all of my pictures. The one to the right below is me saying ok you saw the right leg now see the left one and don't wack me in the face doing it! (I had no idea I did that with my right hand )

It was a great day! Other than the frumpy sweatshirt and silver helmet! We walked to the rail and let Sydney and mom feed Hottie carrots and then I got off and called it GOOD!

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