Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 14 Trials and tribulations

This is the standoff. It went on for about an hour. She was mad! Really mad! Did I mention MAD? If she could have thrown herself down and had a tantrum I do believe she would have.

The round pen went up after the standoff! There will be no more standoffs thanks to Caren. I should have let her put it up over the weekend but I just hate to make a portion of her arena unusable for her. For this I must say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU CAREN! (and mom for her amazing superwoman strength)

Standing with the ropes behind her. They are not hooked to her, they are hooked to the saddle horn. She just hates the fact that they are even there and kicks with great accuracy when trying to kill them. Amazing how each and every time she kicks exactly in the right spot to kill the rope!

When I first got Hottie I thought she looked like a Paso or something along those lines. She looks gaited every now and again. I googled it and sure enough there are gaited mustangs. I am thinking she is a Spanish Mustang, they are naturally gaited from what I read. I guess we will find out more as she progresses with her training and movement. COOL!

Zeus the 3 legged atomic wonder pit bull! He has had hard workout chasing Hottie and the ropes around the arena!

He is an awesome dog!

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